I weighed-in with Martha on Monday: 304.1. Weighed-in with the “Y” on Tuesday: 302. I weigh-in with the doctor today. I won’t claim an accomplished 60 lb. weight loss unless and until it’s confirmed by Martha. But I’m close. (I wonder, do I sound obsessed about weight?)
My goal in this program has always been clear: To improve my health in a reasonable and sustainable manner. It is as Bill B., one of my colleagues in the weight management program, says, “a lifestyle change.” And it is the things I’ve learned here and put into effect in my life that will, I am confident, make all the difference. One of the critical factors of good health is diet; another is exercise.
I keep a detailed food log, which I’ve learned is an important key to successful weight loss (and to successful weight maintenance by the way!) And a review of the food log shows why I haven’t made more progress – I exceed my quota of meat servings on one day, and my quota of grain/starch servings on another. Sometimes it’s because I mistake my daily count or encounter a complex dish, but mostly it’s because I give myself permission to exceed my quotas. It may be an evening out or a celebration or just because. And one of the other things I’ve learned is that all those little things that really add up.
On the other hand, the weight is going slowly but surely. I’m hitting the gym four times per week. My blood sugar’s under control. I feel great. I’m saying my prayers. And I’m managing to keep my sense of humor. I can’t wait to get home.
You'll see, it’ll be worth the weight.