With some frustration I’ve been bouncing off and on that 300 lb. level I'd achieved for the last three weeks. (Hence no blog.) Finally I got serious about matters last Wednesday (that is, Ash Wednesday!) So at today’s weigh-in with Martha, I was at 296.1 lbs! Now truly below 300 and down 6.1 lbs. for the week! And so Martha was please. And if Martha is pleased, Father Dennis is pleased.
Now the really curious thing about it is that my starting weight was that astounding 362.7 lbs. and, if you figure it out, subtracting the current 296.1 lbs., to date I’ve lost exactly… ahhh… 66.6 lbs! That’s right 6 – 6 – 6!
On another matter, it looks like my last day at the Institute will be Friday, April 1. (Strangely appropriate, eh?) I plan to spend the following week seeing the sights in St. Louis and environs as well as packing my bags and preparing my car. I have a meeting in Washington, D.C., on April 9 and then will plan to travel home beginning Monday, April 11 – getting home by Palm Sunday to celebrate Holy Week and Easter at St. Joseph’s in Sandpoint, Idaho.
At least that’s the plan! Keep me in your prayers! Blessings to you all!